Karan Mehra, popularly known as Vedant, who will be seen in BR films new show ‘Pari Hoon Main' on Star One, had one hell of a day recently.
The actor was flying to Delhi for an event with his co-star and to
his surprise he realized that he had forgotten the tickets at home. Nonetheless, he was lucky and managed to fly down to his destination.
To add to the quandary, the team was supposed to prepare a small skit at the conference, but for apparent reasons they had very little time on hand and could not oblige the gathering. But that was not the end of the
day as something more was stored in for Karan that very day itself.
Later in the evening, while flying back to Mumbai, the actor forgot his wallet in the hotel. Fortunately, he had a friend staying back in the same hotel and that's how Karan managed to get back his wallet.
Well, a complete multi-tasking day we must say!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 12:46 IST